
Sunday, June 20, 2010


Policies are the best way to take an individual in the path of discipline. But todays social policy has been taken as granted. People want to live their live freely and they do not want give any sort of explanations to do so.Although the society has verdict to follow the policies the makers are also runing away as it disturb their life.

The followers have some problem with the polict , it is too un justice for democratic people. People want policies which will sustain their life and will not disturb in their personnel matters. While todays policicy directly or indirectly affect an individuals personnel affairs.

So , the policies must be as need of the folllowers otherwise the conflict and revolution part may be hire. Thus the society must have common motivation and human civilization part must be strong.


The rules and tradition in the society is vital to see as taken . Its seemed to be taken as granted. This belief has take the society in conflict as it do not have any human sense. As the result the society is facing lots of disorder and unsocial manners of its members. Due to it the development and peace process has been affected greatly.

Human trafficking, terrorism , drug abuse , superstition, corruption , luxuries desires, and want to dictate the world are the worst thinnking in todays senario. This disorders hes make the
society ,its branched groups , nation and the whole world. Our exixtence in future is also in great threat by it. So we must be concerned in this situaion and must aid to stop it.

The solutions to stop it may be hard but not impossible . If so-called human soul get united then this sort of disorder may be verdicy to end soon. and we can cope with our labour.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Society and its so-called brains has come from various beliefs and history. They perform various rituals as per tradition , it may be called as social function.

Every member of society is invited in that function and share their happiness. That is the path in society which will aid in the co-work in society the dignity of labour and development. Society will not have to face conflict bin small matters as it will increase beliefs in all brains. These sort of function will preserve the identity of society as they get chance to share their feelings.

Every member must be a part of these types of function, otherwise society may have negative look towards them. The cool and energetic behaviour make this type of function best in manner and beliefs.Social function are the best way to know more and more social companions as many unknown people will be also a part.So, social functions are the promoter of social relationships and dignity.


Society is not just a place where we will find love and satisfaction in life. Society also discriminates its members in terms of their skin, income,sex,power,caste, tradition and many more. Today members have been discriminate mostly due to superstitions and colour of skin.This is the worst thing that we will fin din society and their hanging branches.

Society will be blind if it discriminate an individuals soul as they will be their preserver and aide in their difficulties.Now its time to for us to stop these narrow thoughts from our mind and be a part of development and raise voice for our existence as it is the great threat.Society must behave with its brains equally and they will be respectable in the society.Today's society lack human behave and it is the thing that will take society to and dirty end.So, society must be good with its logical and emotional members.


Society never begins with lack of individuals aid.An individual will certainly cooperate with other individuals and hence the process of origination of society get the way.
  • Society is the union of individuals while individuals are its maker, developer,damager and sole trader.
  • Individuals mind give society new path of development and society run the path ahead.
  • Society is needed in every work of progress. an individual will certain be a part of it.
  • Individual can not be happy by sitting alone, he or she must be a part of society.
  • An individual can not progress with out support of society and its common branches although he or she have potentiality.
  • Society is the body while an individual is the brain.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Society is the common living scenery of people having different aims and beliefs. Look of every individual is vital to see similar in ones ability and capacity. An individual may damage other as he or she will make their look negative for them. Society as the result is badly affected by it. It may look the members by the wrong way if the presenters are failed to convinced them by their status.

Looks vary from brain to brain but it change ones mind to accompany with their members. It may arise conflict and hence social stability may vanish in society. The look will certainly change social goals and product. Look of society determines ones existence with them as a co-member of their breathe.

Every look will measure ones capability sustain his or her life in society with so-called human brain.Thus society must preserve its status by making best policy to control its looking behaviour.


Culture is the big background of the society. It represents society and hence make its existence longer.Every society has its own culture which may be same or vary from others. Social culture is the best way to present ones soul and its dedication to society.Culture is not just attached with religious behaviour and functions ,it represents an individuals belief towards society and its branches.

Our thinking may vary for different cultural beliefs, but as a social cultured brain we have to follow all beliefs . It will enhance our capabilities and empower us to cooperate for peace and development. Culture may bring disaster in society which will influence peace in society. The conflict which came from cultural norms may not end to eras and eras as it is touched with cultural identity of an individual.

So , society must be concerned with its members and their cultures. it will prevent conflict in this so-called world. All culture is our common breathe, if one gets endangered then we may be finished


Society is common house of peoples having different thinking and those who came from unusual places. As sitting in a group every individual get united and hence the empowerment begins.In society their are various brains and their beliefs and behaviour may be unusual for the old one.

The members are the builders of society ,so every member must be concerned on its dignity of welfare. One member may violet the rules while another may preserve, this is society.Members must not come into stress and cooperate for the development. Members must be attached with all other members and must not talk about others bad..This will lead them to survive in the society as longer as their breathe.

The members must aid and cooperate with other and the aim to have best life will be completed. We must not be confused in choosing members and his or her work other wise it may enhance conflict. All the members must empower peace and aid in society as ones soul is need for others existence.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Society as a part of nation development and progress has some role to handle it. The society is the co-organized place of common socially adapted brains.It is welfare organization from where one can get satisfaction and love as aid. Our personnel role and the role to be performed in society might be different but we should take these two roles together to overcome our problems.

Roles of the member of society is most important part to handle one concept of development.The society must save its identity by preserving its ethical norms and rituals. Any sort of end of any tradition will decrease the identity of society.Society must cooperate with its members brain to get sustainable result.It must participate in any development work and must be self-empowered society.. The society who is self empowered is the best for the world for its future existence.Any roles that society perform it directly or indirectly related with every living brains.So society must be concerned with it and continue its work for progress.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Duty determines ones ability to perform its norms and ethics with respect to contribute for society .The duty of society is not to just perform ones imagination but to cooperate with all the citizens and to have faithful life.Society must not be affected by any disaster otherwise the aim to perform the duty may be out of mind.

Society must be faithful to its members and must aid for the development of the country and the whole world.In terms of earning or performing ones rituals any member of the society must not forget its duty.Socially adapted members must not only considered ones society ,they must empower other society that will help them to stay in this socially empowered world.

Society must not differentiate any member in case of his or her sex,caste,skin,language and many other.It is the need of society to overcome from its worries for the development and progress of all living soul.Thus the main duty of society is to aid itself for other soul to live long.


Identity in today's era is the most concern topic of so-called human brains.We need identity to continue our generation and to stand in society.If we lack identity then our existence in society and its concerned arena will vanished.Identity just not denotes our social participation and cooperation but aid to mobilize our social status with social brains.

Lots of conflict has been occurring in society in the name of identity and it is the worst thing that has been linked with society.We must respect identity of each individual and must preserve it .Then just we will have our common identity with society as its member.Identity as said is not just concerned with society and an individual living within the society.It is concerned with all the citizens living in this world full of so-called brainy creatures.

Identity must not be determine in case of caste or other social norms .It must be given to each citizen as they as one of us supporting for existence of each creature.Social identity determines his or her presence in society to cooperate with other members for their development and breathe.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The term social work determines the way of aid to the society for its development. Social work is not done for any sort of income.It is done for satisfaction of ones soul and belief. The attitude of an individual is the most concern part in social work.Society get inspire form an individual and hence get involve with him or her as the co-partner to social aid.

One can easily say that social work is just concern with socially adapted brains.But actually it preserves all living brains and concerned all the matters related with it.Social work is the art of presenting ones idea for the society to enhance its development work and related policies combining all socially cultured brains.Society as result gets benefit with social harmony,cooperation development,security,rights,needs and social justice.

Once social work is completed then other social brains get in touch and hence organize various works again .It aid for development ,peace and social harmony.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We as far as possible don't want to share our so called common interest of logic and attitudes. But we don't cry while talking about others logic and beliefs.This is today's society and will it remain like it in coming days too? No we can change it.

Society as i know is the union of socially created brains accompanied by other living brains which are far from every individuals brain. The way on which society performs and deals with an individual and his or her ethics can lead to think there future concerns.This concern will aid to mobilize the various behaviours in the society and to take on good steps to have best relation with others.Society as the part of human civilization is the creator of best believers and leaders as well as the worst.

It is we that make society and degrade society.Our soul rules for own but it need support of others to continue ones social life. And its society where we can find all of this.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Social concern

Social concern
Society in the today's sunny environment look like a source of water as they are the concerned authorities of the environment. Concerns regarding each individual of the society are vanished in their own brain.Our generation is getting more and more concern about their private life but not about their social life.An individuals life is concerned with all its social and artificial aspects.Not only sense regarding ones private life is his or or concern.

One can deny with its ethics and values of society but later on he or she will overcome their unsocial thinking.The motivation of making aware to each and every individual of society about their social concerns must not violet ones mind as it is of all living brained having good and bad days of their life today. As we are not so far from our social concerns our responsibility to cope with environment and its branches is the most respectful work that we would do in our whole life.

Greatness regarding our beliefs and behaviour towards the concerns actually mind up the source of intelligence of each individual. Our priority to ehance the knowledge of social concerns will aid us to make our soul motivated to the concerns of the society.So each concerns are the habitual rule to be performed by every individual.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Social rules

Social rules
Society as an ethic to describe the nature of an individual and its concern norms differentiate the way of interacting with various people. Our norms will lead to behave us as an unknown identical human brain with others. Rules of social manners and behaviours in the society differentiate the brain with brain.Our laws to behave with society is being vast dangerous for every individual.

Our social rules lead us to reject our own identity. We as a part of social brain creatures must recognise our own value iv the society. Our aim is not to Violet rules but we are violating our own made rules Social rules ha been just the part of speaking in the mass.We are forgetting that our uncivilised rules is the most powerful disaster for our own habitation.

Today's most concern empowerment is to mobilize our own rules for our own upcoming breathes. Our initiative to change social rules will aid us to find our destination where there will be no social conflict for an individuals existence. We must change our behaviour in the society as we are being so humorous to stop others progress to accompany our own future.If we manage to forecast our future then it will be beneficial for every individual. Our leadership will change our belief and later its result will not be in just in ones coat ,every individuals coat will get beneficial.

If we move forward to change our disaster able social rules then we will sure be able to see one more day in our life. It will not our empower us , it makes our mind more sociable than exhausted ones.Then better sociable brain to match our every need.


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